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New Families

My child joined Cub Scouts. We’re so excited! What does that mean for me?

Having new Scouts means having new parents too. In fact, you may be one of those new parents yourself. That can be a little intimidating. You know there are things you should do, but you don’t totally understand everything yet. That’s ok! We’re here to help guide you. A Scout is Helpful!

Youth Protection

BSA, the Crater Lake Council, and Pack 47 prioritizes the safety of all of our Scouts and their families. If you haven’t already, you and your scout will need to participate in Your Protection trainings.
Visit here for more information on Youth Protection.

Pack Dues

Membership dues cover your membership for Pack 4047, however the Pack still has expenses to operate. We pay for things like belt loops, awards, rank patches, meeting supplies, Class B uniforms, etc. We do have a $130 fee to help cover these costs. You an pay the fee or raise the funds to cover the fee via one of our fundraisers. Please reach out to Pack leaders if you need help covering this fee.


Pack 47 participates in several fundraiser activities. These fundraisers help pay for pack activities, scout expenses, etc. This can also help pay for membership dues and uniforms. We do like to teach Scouts to earn their own way. Even if your Scout doesn’t need financial help paying for activities, we prefer every Scout to participate in at least one fundraiser.

  • Our biggest fundraiser is Trails End popcorn. We kick off popcorn season in September. We do have booths in front of store, wagon sales, online sales, and take orders.
  • We also sell Country Meats jerky sticks. This fundraiser is happening year round. We usually have jerky sticks on hand. Please ask if you are interested in selling jerky.
  • We also do a Coffee fundraiser usually in February.
Volunteer Opportunities

Pack 47 can always use more help with activities. Here are some volunteer opportunities:

  • Den Meetings. Reach out to your den leader(s) and see if they need help with any activities. If you have a specialty that is appropriate for your Scout’s rank, please volunteer to run a den meeting about it.
  • Pack Meetings. Reach out to your pack leader(s) and see if they need help with any activities. If you have a specialty that is appropriate for Cub Scouts of all ranks, please volunteer to run a pack meeting about it.
  • Pinewood Derby Committee. Help organize, put on, and clean up for the Pinewood Derby.
  • Blue & Gold Dinner Committee. Help organize, put on, and clean up for the Blue & Gold Dinner.
  • Campouts. We always need help at campouts. Volunteer to run an activity, help with cooking, set up, clean up, etc.
  • Fundraising. Help organize, sell, keep track of scout sales, etc.
  • Flag Placements/Retirements. We often participate in activities like placing flags on veterans headstones for Memorial Day. We can always use more hands for these events.
  • Cub-o-Ree. This is a district wide Cub Scout Campout. We always need more adults to help run activities, cook pack meals, etc.
  • Campsgiving. Help organize, cook, clean up, etc for this fun overnight activity.
  • Christmas Party. Help organize, put on, and clean up for the Christmas Party.
  • Parades. We can always use help organizing, decorating, driving, etc for parades.
The Do’s and Don’t’s

Please DO:

  • Attend meetings and activities. Cub Scouts is a family organization. This is where the fun happens!
  • Bring siblings along. We do allow siblings to participate in age appropriate activities.
  • Volunteer to help. The leaders of Pack 47 are all parents too, so we can always use a helping hand.
  • Offer suggestions or request changes. Pack 47 leaders are doing their best. We can always use fresh ideas. Not all suggestions will be implemented, but they will definitely be taken into consideration.
  • Ask questions. There’s a big learning curve to Cub Scouts. Pack 47 is here to help you understand scouting.
  • Help your scout. We do all of the required achievements at meetings, except Duty to God. We leave this one for the families to complete. If you are not religious, please reach out to a leader for help on how to make this achievement work for you. There are several elective achievements, feel free to work on these at home. Your scout can complete as many or as few elective achievements as you’d like.

Please DO NOT:

  • Drop your scouts off and leave. Our leaders are not babysitters. We cannot watch every scout all the time and we want all of our scouts to be safe.
  • Bring extra food to activities. This can cause problems with other scouts. At all of our scout activities, we make sure the scouts all have the same options for food and snacks. One scout eating candy and one scout eating veggies does not make for happy campers. If you have dietary restrictions, please let us know. We do make exceptions for this and try our best to accommodate dietary needs.
BSA Medical Forms

All participants (scouts, siblings, parents, guardians, grandparents, friends, etc.) in any scouting activity needs to have a medical form filled out and turned in to the Pack. These forms are for cases of emergencies only. It’s this simple–if there is some sort of accident or medical emergency, we want the medical care provider to have current, accurate medical information.

One form needs to be filled out per participant. Pack 47 does keep these forms in a binder that is present at all activities and events. If anyone is injured, the form will be available for medical personnel, and will travel with the injured participant to the hospital if needed. Our goal is to never need to use them.

For most Cub Scout activities, Parts A&B is enough. Part C is a physical and will only be needed if attending activities longer than 72 hours (summer camp, etc.). We’ll let you know when this is needed.

Please fill out and turn in a copy of this for for every participant.
BSA Medical Forms A&B

25 Cub Scout Terms

This list isn’t exhaustive, but hopefully, these 25 Cub Scout terms will help you get started on your family’s Cub Scout journey!

Cub Scout Terms

Advancement – The progression that moves the Cub Scouts from rank to rank.

Adventure –  Adventures are “collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities representing approximately three den meetings’ worth of engaging content.”

Tigers, Wolves, and Bears complete seven adventures to earn their rank badge. Webelos complete six adventures for their rank, and Arrows of Light complete five.

Akela – Anyone who is a leader to the Cub Scout. Akela can be a parent, teacher, den leader, Cubmaster, or any other adult who helps guide the Cub Scout.

Arrow of Light – The highest rank a Cub Scout can achieve. The Arrow of Light (AoL) badge is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on the Scouts BSA uniform.

Blue and Gold Banquet – Because February is the anniversary month of the Boy Scouts of America, many packs celebrate with a Blue and Gold banquet. The banquets are special events that can include games and entertainment.

Cub Scouts often bring their whole families including grandparents. Some packs may choose to hold their Blue and Gold Banquet in another month.

Buddy System – The buddy system is used to help Cub Scouts look out for each other. At Cub Scout events, especially outdoor activities, kids should find a partner.

The buddies go everywhere together and know where each other is at all times. This helps ensure that the kids always have a partner to help him or her if they get lost or hurt.

Chartered Organization – Community or faith-based organizations that own and operate Cub Scout packs. They work under a “charter” from the Boy Scouts of America.

Class A Uniform – This is the official uniform of Cub Scouts. Lion Cub Scouts wear a t-shirt.

Tigers, Wolves and Bears wear a blue shirt, while Webelos and AoLs wear the khaki Scouts BSA shirt.

“Class A uniform” is not a BSA official term, but it is widely used by packs.

Class B Uniform – Class B uniforms are Scouting-related t-shirts. They can be pack t-shirts, day camp t-shirts, or any other Scouting t-shirt.

They are officially called special purpose or activity uniforms.

Council – A council is a service center, chartered by the Boy Scouts of America, that is responsible for Scouting within its geographical area.

Crossover or Bridging – A Special ceremony where a Webelos Cub Scout “crosses over” or “bridges” from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. It symbolizes the Scouts’ induction into their Scouts BSA troop.

Cubmaster – A Cubmaster is the “face” of the pack. Cubmasters help plan and carry out the Cub Scout program in his or her pack. They support and motivate den leaders and parents.

The Cubmaster serves as the emcee for pack meetings and other events. Cubmasters and pack committees work together to develop fun program ideas and activities.

Den – A den is a group of Scouts who are in the same grade. They work together to advance to the next level of Cub Scouts.

Denner – A Cub Scout who has been selected (by vote or appointment) to serve in a leadership role in their den.

They have specific duties such as taking attendance, leading a flag ceremony, assisting with den activities and conducting a closing ceremony. Serving as a denner helps develop the Cub Scout’s leadership skills.

Den Chief – An older Scout who is a member of Scouts BSA who has been selected to work with a Cub Scout den. They assist with den activities and serve as a role model (and often a friend) to the kids in the den. The den chief position is considered a leadership role by the Scouts BSA troop.

District – The geographic territory within a council is divided into districts. Districts vary in size. Some may span multiple counties, while others are one county. There may be multiple districts within one county, depending on its size.

District Executive – The District Executive (DE) is a paid employee of the local council. His or her role is to support Scouting in the district.

Pack – A Cub Scout pack is a collection of dens of all ranks. The pack organizes the dens, holds monthly meetings, and conducts larger events such as the Pinewood Derby or Blue & Gold banquet.

Packs belong to a community organization, such as a church or a service club, which is chartered by the Boy Scouts of America to operate the Scouting program.

Pinewood Derby – Cub Scout racing event. With help from their parents, Cub Scouts design and build a race car using a kit that contains a block of wood, plastic wheels, and axles made from nails.

Raingutter Regatta – Cub Scout racing event. For this race, Scouts build sailboats with balsa wood, a mast, a plastic sail, a plastic rudder and a metal keel.

Rank – Cub Scouts are grouped by grade or age into specific ranks. Kindergarteners are Lions, first graders are Tigers, second graders are Wolves, third graders are Bears, fourth graders are Webelos, and fifth graders are Arrows of Light. 

Some people call fifth graders “Webelos,” but they’re working on the Arrow of Light rank.

The Scouts work toward their rank badge throughout the year. For example, the second grader is a Wolf, but they don’t get their Wolf rank badge until they complete seven Wolf adventures.

Space Derby – Cub Scout racing event. Similar to the Pinewood Derby, Scouts build rockets that fly across a line using a rubber band-powered propeller.

Webelos – This rank’s name has special meaning. It stands for WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts. Always use the S even when referring to one Webelos. So, one Webelos, not one Webelo.

Webelos Colors – The Webelos Colors consist of a blue metal bar with the word “Webelos” on it. Below the bar are three woven streamers–one each of gold, red and green.

The Scouts can display their adventure pins on the streamers. The Webelos Colors are worn on the right sleeve of the Webelos uniform.

Whittling Chip – The Whittling Chip is an award a Cub Scout can earn that gives them the privilege of carrying a pocketknife to specifically designated events.

To earn the Whittling Chip, Cub Scouts have to know how to safely use and care for a pocketknife, make a carving, and promise to abide by the knife safety guidelines and the pocketknife pledge.

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